Web Design Mistakes

That’ll Kill Your Conversions

Not Being Mobile Friendly Unreadable Texts

Not Being Mobile Friendly

“The number of people using mobile devices outstripped people on desktop computers in 2014.” – Jim Edwards, Business Insider , April 2014.

In the middle of 2016, you can’t afford to ignore the responsiveness. Human behavior has changed significantly and people are using smartphones and tablets on the go, in their beds, even in the bathrooms.

As now-a-days lots of people are using smartphones and tablets for browsing websites and if your website is not mobile friendly then they will find your website broken when they will try to visit.

Not having a responsive design can cause the loss of traffic as well as potential customers to your site. You need to ensure that your website is designed to accommodate all visitors regardless of the type of devices that people are using when visiting.


Responsive Design